Ok, so this is really cheesy, but....
My oldest daughter is going through this phase where anytime that we sit together and there's a piece of paper nearby she insists that I draw her. She mugs and everything. Now I try really hard to be a gruff and hardened steel toed type of macho manly man, but when she twists up into that kiddie type of smile of hers, I can't help but fold. Its weird how we've got this connection through drawings (she loves to draw aswell), and I know that with so many other things in life, moments of time are gone in the blink of an eye, and before you know it, things are turned on their head. While this lasts, I think I'm going to try and make the most of it. Why am I posting this? I dunno...I was drawing them tonight in the tub, and it got me thinking about an old painting I'd been ignoring for a year or so. I dragged it out after they went to bed and decided to play with it. It's not really finished, and I'm not a painter by any means, but I enjoy putting brush to canvas every now and then. I figured since its all fresh in my head, and this blog is set up to catch those drawings that fall through the cracks, why not toss it up and see what happens. The ink drawing of the gals in the tub was being worked on when the younger one splashed, blotting the ink. So I decided to go with it and using tub water, we blotted and smeared the ink around. Once again, its a pretty shitty drawing, but I like the idea of it. The last portrait was done with a ball point penish thing and crayola markers (while she ate her peas). Nothing like pure colour saturation.
I'll get back to the comics in a day or so. Man, I hope that if my kid stops drawing, she picks up my twisted sense of humour and hangs onto that...Life is vulgar...laughing at it is survival.