This first group of sketches is from a comic I was drawing called "Rabbit Zero". It's about a little rabbit who gets into mudane yet frustrating problems like being stuck in the line at a supermarket and then resorting to extreme violence to rectify the situation. Kind of a proto-Chippy. The big difference is he didn't talk and worked alone.

This is a page from my sketch book. The little girl bunny on the top left was the result of a dream my wife Sara had. She awoke one morning and said "get a pencil and a pad of paper". Then she preceded to describe this little rabbit character. I decided to to draw a little comic strip for her starring this little girl rabbit and her boyfriend (the rabbit on the right). I began to form a cast of characters to support them. For a number of reasons, I never drew the strip. Notice the wolf directly below the little boy rabbit. Look familiar?

Great Roughs Robo...These could all be Chippy's family. Maybe you could fold the dream into the strip. I love seeing the genesis of ideas. Thanks man.
AaaaHa! They were there all along! You just needed some spousal petocin to bring them to into the world. FYI here are some possible dangers of spousal petocin:
rupture of the premise
inciting incident intoxication
increased antiplot
subtext stress
death of the Climax and/or Resolution
Don't forget negation of the negationitis.
This kind of stuff is so cool... I love seeing the "rough" stuff of obviously talented artists. I think the best stuff you guys post on here are things like these, and are the most inspiring.
I love cute Bunnies! Show more of your character sheets, they are fun.
i love these!! Great stuff!:)
Whoa. Trip-ee.
Oh my goodness,oh my goodness! Those lil bunnies at the top...O.O So KAWAIIIII!!!!! They're to die for!
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