Hey Folks, if you went to Cal Arts, then you know what a wonderful woman Martha Baxton is. Also, you know how much she has helped all of us who went there. If you didn't go there, and you like animation, a lot of the people who make the animated shows and movies you like got a lot of help from this fine lady. She is the administrative assisitant to the head of the character animation department at Cal Arts. Almost anyone who went to Cal Arts in the last I-don't-know-how-many-years has benefitted from her infinite care and generosity of spirit. Her husband recently had a stroke and they took a major financal hit, so some really good folks are putting on a benefit AUCTION to help them out. All the info for the auction can be found HERE. Click this link and get down for the cause. The auction is September 9th, starting at 5:00pm at Cal Arts, in Valencia, CA.
Skrib EDIT: This is also a chance to bid on some RARE ORIGINAL animation art so check out the auction!!!
Love you Martha!
The above poster art is by Elizabeth Ito and Pen Ward.
Thanks Count for posting this. I was going to do it tonight but you beat me to it!
Waaaah! I do suxxorz!
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