A few weeks ago, I was looking through some old stuff and found these drawings. The funny thing is that they pre-figure "Chippy and Loopus" by a year or two. Here I thought I came up with those characters out of thin air when in reality they were in the back of my head the whole time.
This first group of sketches is from a comic I was drawing called "Rabbit Zero". It's about a little rabbit who gets into mudane yet frustrating problems like being stuck in the line at a supermarket and then resorting to extreme violence to rectify the situation. Kind of a proto-Chippy. The big difference is he didn't talk and worked alone.

This is a page from my sketch book. The little girl bunny on the top left was the result of a dream my wife Sara had. She awoke one morning and said "get a pencil and a pad of paper". Then she preceded to describe this little rabbit character. I decided to to draw a little comic strip for her starring this little girl rabbit and her boyfriend (the rabbit on the right). I began to form a cast of characters to support them. For a number of reasons, I never drew the strip. Notice the wolf directly below the little boy rabbit. Look familiar?