So I haven't posted in a long time, but I have a good reason. Well actually I don't, but I've been busy working at my other job, Wedding Art. It all started when I was unemployed and broke and I didn't have the funds to buy my friend anything on her registry. Instead I made a Warhol print of her and her husband to be. Suddenly it was a thing as my friends got married they all demanded art. So I've continued to duplicate pop art added a personal twist incorporating the couple. I just finished the Lichtenstein for the wedding I attended last Saturday.
It has been fun to study the works of great artists I admire and make a weak attempt to duplicate their style. Since I am only repeated what has already been mastered I am not earning a cent. My next task will be to create my own signature style. But actually I can't wait for the day I get to buy a toaster like everyone else.
Hooray! The bitter Redhead returns! And witha vengeance! Great stuff! I particularly love the Jazz piece. A triumphant return indeed.
Welcome back o' bitter one!! Holy Crud you've been busy!! (I guess you've had some time on your hands considering...)
Fun stuffs! You've gots skillz yo. And I like that you will be applying these influences to your own style. I say experiment and let it develop organically. Don't force it.
These are fantastic! Thanks so much for posting them. Really great stuff miss bitter!
THese are beautiful collection for artworks!
beautiful stuff, definitely better than a toaster or knife set.
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