I like to draw during meetings. Here's an ugly dude for ya. I've been a big fan of Dave Cooper. He really pushes his designs in a grotesque manner but somehow (for me) they're still appealing. I also like his storytelling. Pick up 'Ripple' if you get a chance. So I guess what I'm saying is that I was inspired by him. BTW this was done with a Colors-In-Motion Twist up Crayon. Love those things! They have a waxy feel when you draw with them and they layer beautifully. The best for coloring your storyboards. Really. I got mine from Staples. Go buy some now (get the 25 pack).
I was there when you drew this! I was THERE! It's like watching a child come into the world. The magic of Skribbl. Big fan of Dave Cooper too.
Great post sir, great.
I saw you drawing this too. I'm not impressed. Yeah, not really a fan. Hee hee...
The twist-up crayons! A perennial favorite! Long live analog drawing!
If you were there, why didn't you stop me! Aaaaagh!
My long time suspictions have been confirmed...YOU are H_ _ _ _ _!!! :-P
F The Cintiq!! Burn them! Burn them now!
OH Skribbl! Take thy crayon from out my heart! Calling me THAT name! I wept out loud... No I didn't I laughed. You funny. I dig this pic, by the way... That Dave Cooper stuff did freak me out though. Beautiful style, but wow, weird...
Thats one ugly dude you drew! A complete success!
Damn! Another new set of drawing tools that I have to try out!
Hey Robo, are those the crayons that you use on "Chippy"?
Great drawing! Unusual style for you!
Rick!! I use Berol Prismacolors for Chippy. Notice I said "Berol" and not "Sanford". I have a bunch of left over Berols that I stashed during my days at the Other place.
I should try the crayons skrib uses though. I like the colors.
Love how the curl of the nose mirrors the curl of the moustache.
I've looked 3 different places for those crayons... no luck. I find every other brand, but not the Colors-in-motion variety.
I guess I'll have to resort to the internet.
Thanks for the props y'all
Robo: I think my style is dictated by what drawing tool I'm using at the time. Each one has it's strengths and weaknesses and I try to play up the strength of each one. The twist up crayon has a slick feel when you put it down so it likes to wander across the page.
Jim: Ha! I didn't even notice that.
rickart: Did you try Staples? Maybe they don't have them on the East coast. I'll pick up a set if I run across them. I still owe you a package for guessing most of the names on the "other" site.
Yeah, I tried Staples... 2 different stores! There's a lot of Crayola "twisters" crayons, but no color-in-motion. Is there that big of a difference?
One more thing about Flynn's...
Hey thanks for the tip on the crayons! I've walked by those packs in our local Staples many a time... sometimes the simplest tools are right under yer nose.
He's an earthy character, this sketch guy. Stromboli-like...
I don't know if there is a difference. The original ones were from Korea (maybe you can get your bro to get you some) Try them out and see if you like!
MrBubblenSunshine: Ack! Again with the Flynn's...
the doodlers: Give them a shot!! They feel so creamy!!
Alas, my Bro lives in Hawaii now so no unusual art tools from him... but I can get some choice pinapple now!
The Korean ones are far superior to their American counterparts. Go to Koreatown here in LA and try them for yourself.
Robo: Pick up some for me when you're down there!!! I'll pay ya back! PS missed you at the screening. Give us your notes!!!
Fun character!!
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