The curiously androdgynous Table Toad can be found around the noon hour, eating, reading or sleeping at one of the scarcely available tables near the food court. They haul their morning purchases to the table and set up their base camp leaving only to add relish/mustard/sauerkraut to their eight dollar hot dogs. Trying to communicate with this beast in hopes of sharing the table will only lead to frustration as they only reply in a series of mumbles, raspy breaths, eye rolls and the occasional bodily function. Approach at your own risk.
Hey! That is 3 today! I'm going to have to post something by gum!!!
Great stuff! This guy is disgusting!
Three in a day? Are you done with story on your movie? You are a demon!
Robo that's only two in one day. I was making up for monday. Go and post! Join the fun!
Count-Everything is in editorial! Woo hoo!
Holy crap! So things are really winding down, huh? Weird...
Nice touch with the "Pat" nametag.
Skribbl, you ought to rush out some t-shirts or a little book of these drawings to sell at the con. I can just see Table Toad proudly modeling his Table Toad Tee.
These are brilliant!!
alisa-Thanks. I went for the obvious. heh heh
spock-I was thinking about doing something next year. I have more to draw and as it stands now I have about 11 drawings. 26 would be a good numer to shoot for. Look for it next year!
Ben-Hey! How's it going?? Nice stuff up on your blog. Word.
Count- i still love you.
silly ranjo.
i want to be a tiger too!
Is that Ranjo?
I always knew he was good!
Man, these are hilarious!
HA! These are great! I was so sad that I couldn't go this year...but all I have to do is visit your blog for a temporary flashback.
These are brilliant.
My first recollection of the con was seeing an overweight, fortyish looking woman in a furry thong bikini, biker boots, a dog nose and furry ears. I asked my friend, what the hell is that? That's when I was enlightened about "Furries."
i love all these comic-con types, mostly because they are true.
I really enjoyed these.
Add "Man dressed as Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop" and you've got a complete set!
Terrific drawings! Thanks for posting them!
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