So I'm back from a month long hiatus. Ahhhh. Back to the ol' drawing board. It's funny how you forget how to draw after a vacation. So here's a warm up to get back into the new year and a new project. Story's done on the old one and time to switch gears. It's hard. Soooo hard. Why? Why? Why?
Enjoy and I hope the new year brings you laughs, love and most of all money. Yes I said money. If that happens come over and pick me up and we'll head over to the arcade an put a few quarters up on Defender. Or maybe Robotron. None of this DDR or GuitarMan junk.
Done on a 2x8 dialog strip
Hey!!! This is great!!! What is that, a brush pen?
2"x8" strips...I remember those....
Really cool drawing sir!
Don't forget Tron and Burgertime!
Ah Robotron.....I used to love Robotron
skribbs. pwn's the board again. I was a Star Castle fan.
yez it is brush pen robo! I'm going to try to post a new drawing every week. Maybe Fridays. Or more if creativity allows.
Chris! - Those are good too but I was more of a "No way out" video game fan. And shooting too. Lots of shooting. Not really a FPS person either. Just old school top down (or side) shooter.
Count - Yes! Star Castle with the bumpitybumpbump! Vector graphics = win
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