I'm a lucky guy. You see, I'm fortunate enough to work at a place with some of the most creatively talented people in the world, and the mix of styles and ideas is so diverse and rich that just showing up to the shop is an enlightening learning expedition. The most amazing thing about it, is that in the face of such talent, eighty percent of our professional efforts end up lining the floor in a pool of rejection. For the most part, its all ok. That's just the gig. We're looking for the best idea and that takes time and thought and tons of drawings, words and gags before the it can solidify into something tangible and real. But there's no accounting for the human element in the process. If I let it, that humanity in me can spin into some pretty dark places and trying to protect it can sometimes leave it vulnerable (toss in some lack of sleep or an extra shot of Dayquil and you may find yourself like some pot strung teenager huddled in a corner waiting for the "you suck" police to come busting down your door). Its all part of the game. Self doubt and self confidence washes over me on a daily basis, one coming in while other retreats or vice versa, shaping the malleable coastline of my talent (or lack there of). Depending on the tide, its either a good day or a bad day, but its never static. Ok, so I'm a fucked up artist, but ALL story artists are fucked up. That's where the impetus to tell stories comes from. Without conflict there's no story. So in that vein, I started to play with the idea of characterizing those emotional tides and found some catharsis in the exercise. Why am I telling you all this. Well, first of all, the blogg is free and so why not let it roll. Secondly, I wanted to explain the cartoon so the underlying intention is clear. I was merely trying to find humor in the conflicted inner child my ego has been molesting since I went to college. Time for my shot of Dayquil.
Hello, Mr. Eye!
I love what yer' doin!
The big piece...I think... is digital.
Are the strips digital?
Or,"Tra-digital"? ( a phrase Mr. Katzen*erg was trying to coin).
Wonderful characterizations of "doubt" and "confidence"! Reminds me a little bit of Tim Eagan's Subconscious Comics.
Haha! Very funny, sweet,and true. Love these sketches.
Regarding that 80% that ends up on the floor: I think that those first thoughts can, at times, be the strongest. I'm stating the obvious here, but it seems to me the danger in the story revising process, is that the story and characters begin to serve too many requests from too many secondary voices.
Holy shit. This is great. This blog is on fire. Walleye, I al most don't know where to start with you. I was laughing and agreeing and with your entry every step of the way. I hope we are gonna see more of this. Okay? Okay?
That sucked. Hack.
Love, Doubt
That was spectacular! Holy shit man you're onto something. The character designs are spot-on. I think those characters exist in us all.
Love, Confidence
Walleye, if I could draw half as well as you I'd go Chippy on Doubt's sorry ass and hurl him through an oak tree.
I doubt I can add anything new to what has already been said, but I can confidently say that your sketches are great!
This stuff is so awesome! I'm with Spock. Bring the Smackdown on Doubt muthaf*cka!!!! Your drawings RULE!!!
I would have to say that you win the award when it comes to rants. I never imagined that was all bottled up inside of you. I think work is the culprit. You need a vacation or ....
Great drawings btw! Are you going to make this a daily/weekly strip? I would love you if you did.
you pretty much summed it all up, nicely said and of course as always nicely drawn.
Man! That's my day too! Although I'm not doing what you're doing and I'm not doing it over here in London...
If you see what I mean? Which I don't! Could you explain what I'm talking about to me?
Thanks all. As far as the digital analogue thing...a bit of both for all. The drawings are all pen on paper, but the colour is digital. I started doodling these with just a ballpoint pen while procrastinating real work (hence the wobbly line) but I've moved over to a brush. God love the shop talk.
manI have to say that your just to funny I feel you in every way!!! just had to have another look see.
what can i say that hasn't alrady been said? awesome stuff.
doubt vs. confidence..that was jsut super cool. couldnt help but laugh at the depiction! :) very real
Wonderful drawings! That is so on the mark. I would laugh more if it were not so true for myself.
Great stuff, like to see more of these characters.
Being 21 steps down the list, I doubt that you need anybody else to say this, but fantastic work.
I don't think anybody would've had any trouble understanding and identifying with what you're saying, even without the explanation. The underlying intention is CRYSTAL clear.
I can totally relate. You captured my own struggles brilliantly. (The second comic strip really made me chuckle).
hahah! Nice! Funny and true... hence the funny. And really nice sketches!
That is the artist's life...all nicely wrapped up in a single cartoon strip.
...now I need dayquil.
Before I even read your explanation I completely related to that comic on such a level, had to laugh. Though confidence doesn't usually trot back in with a cup of coffee, in fact he doesn't usually trot back in at all.
Anyway - great stuff!
~ from a total stranger.
"Ok, so I'm a fucked up artist, but ALL story artists are fucked up."
Best. Quote. Ever.
What a cool concept. Very cool indeed!
FUCKING incredibly good man. Great story in the heart of an artist. . . . .
I LOVE it! Truth is the best humor :)
I've printed it to put over my desktop. Looking forward to more great stuff!
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