My 4 yr old recently got these new dinosaur pajamas. When you turn the light off, hundreds of tiny dinosaur bones glow in the dark.
I, of course, didn't see this coming at first. It took all I had to keep from cracking up.
He looked like an extra from Tron.
Bob--that's beautiful! Great stuff.
Gosh...is he really that big now? Get him on a horse, stat! ; )
I am amazed at your versatility. You seem to be able to draw in any style!!!
This is a great little painting!
Hey guys!
That's a really nice blog and cool drawings!!!!!
Love that last drawing.
I wonder if...the day we don't think
those kind of things are cool anymore is the day we can be concidered as "old"...I miss my spiderman pajamas...
Bobopoly you are a true Dad! You don't even know where your kid's clothes come from! hahah..uh, Can you tell me where I can get a pair in adult large? Keep it on the DL.
it's little things like this that you should appreciate before your kid's all grown. Great post!
I'm not exactly sure if I'm supposed to post comments within the comments. (I'm not up to speed with Blog protocol). I just want to say I appreciate all the kind words. I can't tell you enough the impact it has on me to draw more (for fun).
I have been a tad blue. Lately, my son has been going through a growth spurt. He's still young, but change happens too fast with children.
great kid drawing... Yeah, they change SO fast...
glow in the dark jammies! I want some too!-A
Bobopoy baby! The protocol is that there is no protocol! You can reply and get a dialog going! Glad you got the "need" to draw again. Ever since I started posting drawings, drawing isn't just a job anymore. It's actually fun!
Sweeet! I need a pair of em pj's!
I agree with skribbl %100. This blog is for fun! I too have had my love for drawing rekindles by this site. I really itch to draw in a way I haven't for a looooong time. By the way, bobopoly, I want you to be my Dad, but, you know, not in a gay way. That was really great about your son. You're a good dad.
Maybe the key to Bob's love lay in the glow of the pjs. Me, I'm finding a pair this weekend and wearing them in on Monday. Maybe then, sir 'opoly will dote and pass on the wisdom of his cruel, cruel teachings, perhaps mistaking me as an estranged offspring from a long ago fling...sure he will yell, slap me like a trout and perhaps bury me in the box, but I know it is all part of his strange honor and from thus shaw grow new strength and a power that cannot be put asunder. With such force we will surely rule the tides of the animation gods for centuries as father and son....BWA HA HA HAAAAAA....
or maybe not. Great drawing of a great kid.
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