We are storyboard artists in animation. During the course of production millions of sketches are produced. Some are used but most are not. These are the ones that "got away" and scribbly scribbles deemed not worthy for prime time.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
What the F ?!?!
OK, so I have an interest in posting this here. If you haven't seen these brilliant parodies of David Blaine, catch them on Youtube. The reason I'm posting this here is 1) it's hilarious and 2) the guy in the green warmup jacket is my buddy Michael. Wanna see some magic?...
Friday, December 21, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A New 2"x8" Comic
Hey! It's been a long time since I posted here, and an even longer time since I've drawn a 2x8 strip. I was in the process of packing up my office (they are moving me to another office tomorrow) and I stumbled upon a small pad of 2x8 dialogue strips, a rarity up here in Pixar land. I was so happy that I immmediately sat down and started drawing. So here it is, my new 2x8 strip starring a dinosaur I drew about a year ago.
I hereby challenge my fellow Storyboredom bloggers to draw their own 2x8 strips!! C'mon guys!! It'll be like 2005 all over again!! Remember those bygone days? The video Ipod was brand new!! The PSP was brand new!! The PS3 existed only in rumors!!! "Lazy Sunday" was the viral video of the moment!!! It was an innocent time....
Anyway, here it is.
I hereby challenge my fellow Storyboredom bloggers to draw their own 2x8 strips!! C'mon guys!! It'll be like 2005 all over again!! Remember those bygone days? The video Ipod was brand new!! The PSP was brand new!! The PS3 existed only in rumors!!! "Lazy Sunday" was the viral video of the moment!!! It was an innocent time....
Anyway, here it is.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Coolness Alert! " Rocket Town"

Bob Logan has produced a sweet board book "Rocket Town!"
Check out his blog
and his website!
You can order books directly from the blog through Pay Pal. Order a few for those special lil' tots in your life.
Congrats Bob on your first of many books!

Monday, December 03, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Uber Geek

So I went against all rational thought and bought a computer off a guy online. But it wasn't just any laptop -it was a tablet PC- or better thought of as a digital sketchbook. It is light, cute and even warm if you let it run long enough. Now I'm getting past the lectures from my family and glares from my spouse about dropping a bunch of money I cannot spare (I keep saying it is a tool not a toy -hee hee). I'm moving on to the next step. How do I use this thing? So I'll throw some doodles on the blog every once in awhile (you know me once a year) to see if I'm figuring out how to draw digitally. Do I like Sketchbook Pro or Photoshop? Can I embrace the digital sharpie or make my own brush? What ever may come I blame craigslist and instant gratification.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
C'mon, that's cute. Here's the caption:
In this photo and caption provided by Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, Beauregard, an 8-month-old male Grants zebra is greeted by Brandy, an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin while out on a daily walk around the park at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo, Calif., Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2007. Beauregard was hand-reared at the park and takes daily strolls around the 135-acre park.
I mean, c'mon.

I mean, c'mon.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Spooky lives life one big wheel race at a time...
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Nerdiest Post Ever!

I have been away from this blog forever, and now I'm back to bore you with geek shit. Or am I? I just think this is cool. Could it be that Apple is finally starting to think about a touch sensitive laptop? The reason I'm posting about this is I'm wondering if anyone else is interested in this. I would love a laptop with Photoshop that I could use like a Cintiq. Anyone else?
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
September 19th: Talk Like A Pirate Day
Avast ye landlubbers and bilge rats! Today be "Talk Like a Pirate Day!" Smartly gather ye quills and parchment and post yer salty scribbles or the captain of this vessel,"The Flying Boredom" will give you a taste of the cap'n's daughter!! Drink up, me hearties! And call whatever you’re drinking grog if you want to. If some prissy pedant purses his lips and protests the word grog can only be used if drinking rum and water, not the Singapore Sling you’re holding, keelhaul him! Arrrrrr!!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
LA Myth: Meltdown Show

So when I was at the Comic Con I ran into a former Cal Arts student, Aaron Clark . He invited me to enter a piece for a show he was planning at
Meltdown in Hollywood. I said yes but wasn't sure if I could pull off a piece in time with work, family and the Wii. So the Friday before the show I kicked myself in the butt and cranked out a 'lil gouachey 'sumpin 'sumpin. Not the greatest but at least I got into the theme. The show got a write up in LAWeekly!! (look I'm all excited like a little school girl)

Thanks Aaron for asking me to participate!
I'll do better next year!! Promise!!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Phone Drawing
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Critchell Rider
Monday, July 09, 2007
In Darkest day, In blackest night...

This was done for my office mate Christian Roman's soon to be born child. There is a wondeerful tradition here in the Story department. When a story artist is about expecting a baby, the Story manager surepptitiously gathers drawings from all the other story artists on the movie. These drawings are made into iron on patches and these patches are each affixed to a "onesie".
It's fun!!! This was my contribution. Chris is a huge Green Lantern fan. The Hal Jordan Green Lantern, not that ounk Kyle Rayner.
Fuck him. Hal Jordan rules!!!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Drawing While Dialated
I had to go to get my eyes checked last month and I had my sketchbook with me. The doc dialated my pupils and I tried to draw.

So after the appointment I couldn't drive home so I decided to see a movie. I saw "Bug". Oh man what an awful movie. I walked out shaking my head and comiserated with a fellow moviegoer. I should have seen Pirates instead.

So after the appointment I couldn't drive home so I decided to see a movie. I saw "Bug". Oh man what an awful movie. I walked out shaking my head and comiserated with a fellow moviegoer. I should have seen Pirates instead.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Flynn's Arcade from Tron. Before/After Pics
When I started my new job in Culver City early this year, I was not familiar with the area at all. One of my friends pointed out that right down the street from us was the building they used to shoot the Flynn's Arcade stuff in. I grabbed my camera to shoot some exteriors of the building, but there were some nice guys doing some work inside and they let me take some pictures of the interior as well. I guess it used to be an Italian restaurant, but it's getting turned into something else.
For me this was huge. I loved the movie Tron growing up. I think It was one of the first movies I ever had on VHS.
Also... Sorry the photos are so huge... still new to all this.

For me this was huge. I loved the movie Tron growing up. I think It was one of the first movies I ever had on VHS.
Also... Sorry the photos are so huge... still new to all this.

Thursday, May 31, 2007
Sketching in the NYC
So I was in New York earlier this month helping sell a "Major Ocean Picture" to the DVD buyers of the world and I decided that since I wasn't going with the family it would be the perfect opportunity to sketch my ass off. I was inspired by my pal Mark Kennedy's blog about sketching Part I and Part II. I always hated toting around a big sketchbook and his posts pointed me toward a small moleskin sketchbook. My first one! Woo hoo!! I got the small, pocket-sized one and put it in my back pocket. I soon found out that you really need to schedule time to sketch. I was only there for four days and most of that was spent running around getting ready for the presentation. I really thought I would fill out that little thing pretty fast but I ended up with it only half done. Here's a few of the better ones.

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