I've been meaning to post these sooner but work and life just keep getting in the way!
So the benefit was a blast and I got to see lots of friends that I haven't seen in a long time. It was a CalArts mini-reunion.
Here's some stolen text from the benefit site to let you know how it went.

We pulled it off! The auction was a big success, and we did exactly what we hoped to do: gave a good friend a helping hand in her time of need. In the end, we grossed $32,226.00. The money will be going directly towards Larry Baxton's care and rehabilitation.
People from the animation world came out in big numbers. Some of us had not seen one another in ages, so the event served as a reunion of sorts, as well. There was a lively spirit in the air, and everybody had a great time.
We sincerely appreciate everybody coming out and spending what they could. You all really made a difference in somebody's life. THANK YOU!
A few key items did not sell at the event, so we are going to be selling them on E-Bay. We will post the information about these items right here on the web site. So if you could not join us at the event, this would be a wonderful way to do your part.

We want to thank everybody who donated their time and effort to this wonderful cause. First off, thank you to Cal Arts for donating the facility, and being more than accomodating with all our needs. To Antran Manoogian and ASIFA for handling the processing of the funds. To Bill & Sue Kroyer for purchasing all the food and drink, plus all the supplies. And to all of the volunteers -- too many to count.

We'd like to extend a special thanks to Character Animation head Cynthia Overman, Glenn Vilppu, Dan Hansen, James & Kendra Baxter, John & Gale Musker, Robert Lence and his mother Ann, former MPSC president Tom Sito and his wife Pat Sito, the incredible artists at Pixar Animation who could not attend, but generously sent their work down, the amazing artists from the Los Angeles area who gave so much of themselves, and the countless others who made everything so very successful.