So , I didn't think I would be putting up anything political again so soon, but I don't have any more pirates ready yet. I threw this up mostly because poor Robo's monkey has been the newest thing on here for days now. Also, I know I said a while back I said I was gonna start a new blog for the political stuff. After talking to Robo, Walleye and skribbl, they talked me into leaving them here. So I will. I noticed after the last post I received fewer comments from our visitors. I don't mean to make anyone uncomfortable, but people who know me know I feel strongly about our political situation here in the good ol' US of A. Anyway, this one was on my desk blotter, so I scanned it in and threw the color on in Photoshop.
Great drawing, Count! Reminicient of Searle, but the execution, concept and point of view are all you!
Fight the Power!
Thanks robo. You know my brother was saying how I should branch out more. Try different styles. I don't mean to just come off like a Searle rip off lately, but I really am trying to start there and see where it goes from there versus the usual WB, halfass Chuck Jones (me being the halfass, not Chuck) style I would default into normally. You know, not the same old cartoon rehash. I'll do Searle rehash! Ha ha. Can I get a side of eggs with that rehash? Screw the man!
Count, I call your style Searle/Jones "mashup!"
You need to do one of Cheny shooting a hunter next. Maybe Cheny thought he saw Bin Laden? Pwned.
Is it just me, or does that crown look a little like Mickey's ears ... hmmm ...
Ha ha! Very funny thought Josh. Wasn't really even thinking that way. But now that you mention it, I could see old King George invading Disney looking for "weapons of mouse destruction".
I don't think you're losing an audience by being political (re: lack of comments). Personally it's just hard to comment on a political drawing that takes a side. My favorite political cartoons are always kinda nihilist - proposing no solution, just pointing out the lunacy.
Like how Jon Stewart never really professes an actual opinion on TDS, tho he may hold his own.
Hey Jim, great thoughts. While I disagree slightly about Jon Stewarts on-air neutrality, I do think you make a very good point overall. I realize after reading your comment, I am fairly new to political commentary in my artwork. I didn't even think about that. I was having so much fun playing with the artwork, I didn't think about the commentary (ie. heavy handed vs. subtle, etc.) I guess that will be something to keep in mind as I go along. Again, this is new thematic territory for me. I mean hell, this is mostly a blog to put up silly doodles anyway. I will certainly be going through a learning curve as a commentator as well as stretching my artistic chops. I'm just glad I have good friends on this blog who get my back and encourage me to keep up the political stuff. Except for skribbl, he's a fucker. Fucker! (kiss kiss) Anyway, bla bla bla...
But thanks again Jim. Your comments fall on open and welcoming ears. That goes for all visitors who like and dislike my stuff. Let me know what you think. We can't learn in a vacuum. Kick it!
Haha, awesome stuff! This is a nice blog. I'll be checking it out often.
Please keep the drawings coming, whether they are political or not... just as long as they are as good as all the others I've seen you do on this site!
I do have 3 kids Count so....
Welcome Joshedwards, yo! Yo!
(how did you link your name to you're site??)
Count, Son of beech, sheet!
Great blog!!
Great color!!
Great drawing!!
Nice Man!!
Great thoughts all. Thanks!
Jarrett, thanks!
rickart, will do!
skribbl, kiss kiss!
thekcirbuk, kick ass blog you have, nice!
I am sick and tired of this blog being used as a mouthpiece for the all powerful left wing hordes who are raping this proud country. As a dedicated foreigner to this brave land I say that if you don't like America, then get the h'aaaaalll out! Thats right, you pinko commie whiner. This heroic president is standing for all that is red, white and blue. He's like apple pie with butter, baseball and the bible. He IS america. Sure, sometimes he gets a little nervous in front of the glaring lens of the left wing media, but HEY is that not a human trait. If you squeeze him will he not fart? I for one, call his bumbling English a homage to this country's "folksie" past. He's a down home millionaire with an ivey league education. An Oki from Connecuit (or somewhere back east). Mr. Count, you are on notice, I for one, will protest such insolence on this blog. God bless my ass and the green grass it shits on.
Love the drawings.
I'm a Capricorn/Horse artist too.
OK, Walleye, the next one is for you!
I like the political cartoons, they are great. Very greasy and dirty, like the subject matter.
I say, to keep it fresh, please please PLEASE, SOMEONE.
Do a caricature of Mohammed.
I dare you.
Love your drawings and illustrations!! full of life and stories in them. Very coool style too!
dhaynes, I refer you to the comments section of my post about censorship. This ground is WELL covered.
Thanks anand and alina!
Ah, I missed the entire debate, but now I am caught up. There's that part of me that feels like when someone is offended enough to tell artists to stay away from a certain subject at all costs, I think the effort should be doubled for said subject to be lampooned. When the moral majority was crying out about Spongebob being gay, I suddenly developed a desire to support the series. If Mohammed wasn't a big deal, but cheesecake was, you can be sure as hell I'd draw a thousand cheesecakes... in fact, I may do that anyways. But sorry for beating a dead horse, draw whatever the hell you want, its always good!
skrib, you ask how i linked my name?
Why, it's some of that patented DISNEY MAGIC!!!
(Large Mouse-eared, white-gloved thugs enter Josh's cubicle at work and serve Josh with a cease and desist order).
Thanks dhaynes! Glad you've come by. Don't be a stranger!
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