Howdy all. I've been posting these over at my other blog (the night job) as they get done. I don't want to clog this site up with stupid comics, so I'll throw them up here in batches until my Comrades tell me to get the fuck out.
I wanted to shift things a bit on two of the posts and make Doubt the good guy for a change. I'm also starting to play Confidence as this over optimistic, unflappable idiot. I'm having more fun with this than I've had with drawing in a long time...and I'm working through my personal issued at the same time. Multi-tasking! I'm so 80's.
To the Count...one of these three was drawn just for you. An explanation of why I get messed up and pull my rants from time to time. I'm going to hell for that one.
That last one is wonderful. The only compliment I can give this strip is that it's like Calvin & Hobbes, but with cocksucking. I never thought I'd type that sentence in my life, but then again I never thought I'd drown a Belgian in a puddle of fabric softener. That embassy will NEVER forget my stay. Ahh, to be six again and hold a grudge against waffles...
Oh walleye, walleye, walleye... so good... By the way, when my Mom saw the drawing of the Statue of Liberty, she just laughed. She IS anartist though. Actually, a damn good one. I'm tryiing to get her to draw more. I told if she does, I'll set up a blog for her. But I digress. Your opening shot of the bungee strip...fuck...so cool....bla bla bla...
Great as always, walleye. I like the way you are developinng the negative side of self-confidence, as well as the positive side of doubt.
On a side note, my Dad started reading Chippy and Loopus over on Phloo recently. "The language is gratuitus and unnecessary, son" he chided.
I keep telling him to post in the comments, but he hasn't done so thus far.
Hey all...I really don't have a problem with my mom reading the stuff... the gag was the image defined by what Con. was describing (I guess it wasn't very clear...I have no editor sans the good folks who read this blog).
Mr. Mcsonogram...I make no bones about the fact that I am a huge Watterson fan...I kind of think of this as an adult take on the layers of personality that form my personality. Thanks for the compliment. You know, I once killed a Swede with a squashed penny and a can of brake fluid. It was an accident of course but I can't say I didn't enjoy sliding down the alps on the back of a dehydrated mule. That's the thing about Europeans...they love their waffles.
Speaking of waffles...its time for my jello bath. Nothing like warm gelatin on an overworked taint.
Just want you to know I've fallen completely in love with these comics posts of yours... A rare combination of a good laugh with a clever insight and great drawings. Gorgeous!
Man, walleye...these comics always bring a smile to my face. Keep 'em up - been busy at school, but I'll e-mail you sometime this week for sure! Thanks!
Hey Randeep. Drop me a line anytime.
If you think this is filth, you should see the Pearn family Christmas. Stuffing and body fluid everywhere. It's horrible.
I mean the stuffing is horrible (not enough thyme and the bread is usually kinda mushy). The rest is quite delicious. Fuck. Now I'm homesick.
Beautiful stuff, and hilarious. Rock on!
C'est de la merde perspicace et drĂ´le. Petit dick! Hahaha!
Mon Dieu!! Bravo Monsieur Walleye . Je voudrais reniflement votre taint chez Starbucks n'importe quand!!!
To Skribbl.......what? I'm both aroused and offended. I wish I paid attention in grade nine French. My guidance counseller was right again. Damn him.
To Nagi, I'm just archiving the strips on Walleye's World. I think there's only one or two posts that are different from Story boredom, so it doesn't get very much action. Some of the rants are different though. Thanks for the kind words.
I am always amused...
No witty comment- you guys have said it all. Just love these. Especially the bungy jump one.
Cheers! Arna
These are just genius. You've got me calling up people and insisting they log on and read these while I still have them on the phone. Nasty, searingly truthful and not least so f---ing well drawn! Man!
thanks all for the kind words
Awesome characters and such organic line-work. Great stuff
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